Friday, January 31, 2014

Why Fancy Fridays Are AMAZING!

Hello my not-so-fashionable friends! Happy Fancy Friday!

For those of you that know me, it's very likely that you know of my love for Fancy Fridays. For those of you that don't, as you might have noticed, I coined the term "Fancy Friday" quite some time ago. It's not just an alliteration; it's a weekly dress-up day!

You see, a few years back, I had several friends who had a "Fancy Tuesday" every week, upon which they would wear matching pencil skirts and whatnot. I thought that that was silly, for why would one pick "Fancy Tuesday" when "Fancy Friday" sounds ever so much better? From that day forward, I vowed to dress-up on Fridays, come rain or shine. It didn't matter whether or not I had worn sweat pants every day that week; Fancy Fridays would not be compromised!
Also, it's nice to have at least one day a week to look forward to, for though other clothing is wondrously comfortable, i.e. sweatpants, Fancy Fridays are days to not only look your best, but, in doing so, feel your best! Because, let's face it, who doesn't feel even a slight bit better when they know that they look fabulous?

That being said, I would love to have some fellow Fancy Friday-ers! The more, the merrier! (:

Below are a few recent examples of my Fancy Friday escapades:

That's all folks! Live long and prosper fashionably my friends and may the fashion force be with you!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Fashion Do's and Don'ts: Guys Edition

Hello my fellow not-so-fashionable people! I'm sorry that I have been unable to post consistently, but, what can I say? I'm busy (a.k.a. I watch WAY too much Netflix).

However, I'm excited to announce that I am finally submitting a guys' fashion post! Because, let's face it, guys need just as much, if not more, help when it comes to fashion than the oh-so-wonderful female population. That being said, here are the four main do's and don'ts of men's fashion:

1. DO: Wear V-neck shirts, rather than scoop necks
There is something undeniably more attractive about men who wear V-necks, more so than men who wear scoop necks.

DON'T: Wear a gargantuously deep, plunging V-neck
It looks like your trying to show off your cleavage, but (just a little helpful reminder!) you don't have any.



2. DON'T: Wear super tight skinny jeans

Look, I understand that you want to show off your hot body (or not-so-hot body), but please leave the skinny jeans to the ladies. However, looser skinny jeans are acceptable (after all, no one wants to wear flare jeans ALL the time).


Acceptable                                             Unacceptable

3. DON'T: Sag

Need I say more?

UNACCEPTABLE (no one wants to see your pink underwear!)

4. DON'T: Wear Toms

I understand that Toms are for a fantastic cause and I applaud our extreme consumerist society for doing something for someone other than themselves (for once), but Toms do not look good on guys. Only gay men and European guys can pull them off, so if you're neither, DO NOT WEAR THEM.

I hope that this was at least somewhat helpful to you! Have a fabulous Fancy Friday!

Live long and prosper fashionably and may the fashion force be with you!

Friday, January 10, 2014

The Truth About Crop Tops

Hello my fellow not-so-fashionable friends! Christmas and my birthday have come and gone, but winter is still in the air! The only thing that could possibly make it better would be snow (fat chance of that, but a girl can dream!).
However, though we haven't had any snow where I'm currently residing, the temperatures have dropped drastically. I've been hard pressed to find warm enough clothing for this weather. But what never ceases to amaze me is this: come rain or shine, no matter how far below freezing the weather is, women continue to wear crop tops.

Why? Why on Earth would you risk your health for the sake of dressing like a trollop? And, to be quite frank, there are those that should not be wearing crop tops. Ever.
I don't mean to be rude, but in the spirit of full disclosure, let us be honest with ourselves: we know that most people should not be wearing crop tops. I shouldn't wear crop tops!
That being said, here are the top four reasons why you should stay away from crop tops:

1. They're not flattering for your stomach (unless you have a six pack)
-Exhibit A

 Crop tops will show EVERYTHING (and I mean everything!). So, if you have something that you'd rather hide behind, oh, I don't know, a piece of clothing, then don't wear a crop top!

2. Even if you look like a Victoria's Secret Angel (what with your perfect body and whatnot), crop tops scream "Unprofessional!"

3. Even if you aren't a trollop, crop tops oftentimes will make you appear as one. What if (and this is just a suggestion) we left a little something to the imagination? Would the world end? I should think not.

4. Just because something is "in style" does NOT mean that one should wear it!

I mean, technically, THESE are "in style":
Just a bit of food for thought!
Live long and prosper fashionably my friends and may the fashion force be with you!
P.S. Trollop-a vulgar or disreputable woman; especially: one who engages in sex promiscuously or for money (