For those of you that know me, it's very likely that you know of my love for Fancy Fridays. For those of you that don't, as you might have noticed, I coined the term "Fancy Friday" quite some time ago. It's not just an alliteration; it's a weekly dress-up day!
You see, a few years back, I had several friends who had a "Fancy Tuesday" every week, upon which they would wear matching pencil skirts and whatnot. I thought that that was silly, for why would one pick "Fancy Tuesday" when "Fancy Friday" sounds ever so much better? From that day forward, I vowed to dress-up on Fridays, come rain or shine. It didn't matter whether or not I had worn sweat pants every day that week; Fancy Fridays would not be compromised!
Also, it's nice to have at least one day a week to look forward to, for though other clothing is wondrously comfortable, i.e. sweatpants, Fancy Fridays are days to not only look your best, but, in doing so, feel your best! Because, let's face it, who doesn't feel even a slight bit better when they know that they look fabulous?
That being said, I would love to have some fellow Fancy Friday-ers! The more, the merrier! (:
Below are a few recent examples of my Fancy Friday escapades:
That's all folks! Live long and prosper fashionably my friends and may the fashion force be with you!