Sunday, March 30, 2014

Geek Chic

Hello my fellow not-so-fashionable friends! I hope that you're having a fabulous spring so far!

Today, we're going to discuss the wonders of nerdy fashion.

You see, oftentimes it's considered unstylish to support your favorite fandom, or sport a token that only a fellow geek would understand. However, it's my pleasure to inform you that I have discovered a loophole:  I've dubbed it "Geek Chic".

There are several ways in which you can turn a bookish reference t-shirt, or silly contraption (Sonic Screwdriver anyone?), into a stylish outfit.

Step 1: Be sure to pair your token geek item with stylish items in order to off-set its influence.

Example: Combat Boots


The "Stylish Outfit With A Hint of Nerd" Look
She's just a wizard girl, living in a Muggle world

Step 2: Be prepared to receive some odd looks from those passing you by.
If such an event is to occur, remember this:

Step 3: DON'T and I repeat, DO NOT wear ANYTHING that even remotely resembles this (I don't care how devoted of a fan you are; this is absolutely unacceptable!).
Unless you want children to sprint in the opposite direction, fleeing for their lives, don't wear this.

Step 4: Remember this above all:

Though you may be the recipient of a quizzical stare or two, or even have a condescending guffaw directed your way, it matters not. One does not simply (I apologize; the opportunity was too good to pass up! ;) deny who they are, nor what they enjoy. Whether you be a Tolkienite, Potterhead, Whovian, Trekkie (I've been told that they prefer Trekker, but that's really too bad), an honorary Jedi (or Sith; I rather prefer the Sith), or know exactly how many swords are in the Iron Throne (1,000, in case you were wondering), don't be ashamed to proudly display your interest through fashion....

Unless you look like this:

In which case, I beg of you, please do show some bit of discretion (and by discretion I mean DO NOT BE CAUGHT DEAD WEARING THIS. EVER.).

Well, that's all for today folks! Live long and prosper fashionably and may the fashion force be with you!

Guys: If Zac Efron can do it, you can too!
 (But please don't wear Toms, you'll only embarrass yourselves.)

Friday, March 7, 2014

Three Reasons Not To Wear High Waisted Shorts

Hello my fellow not-so-fashionable friends! I'm sincerely sorry for not having posted in such a long time, but sleep is slightly more important than blogging!

That being said, it's nearly springtime!

Springtime is wonderful for fashion! It's the season of floral, dresses, sandals, shorts, maxi skirts, you name it! Unfortunately, springtime has a price, for with great weather comes great responsibility (*nerdishly chuckles*). And sadly this means....

High waisted shorts.

Now, I was, at one time, absolutely, completely, and utterly repulsed by these shorts, but I've come to the conclusion that they are, in fact, acceptable under the following conditions:

1. You have amazing legs!

Exhibit A:,d.aWc&psig=AFQjCNH3jiRrmHzkaDUS8Z30_Xrb-lidbQ&ust=1394319835941725

2. You don't wear the super tight, super short shorts!

These aren't too tight, or too short!,d.aWc&psig=AFQjCNH3jiRrmHzkaDUS8Z30_Xrb-lidbQ&ust=1394319835941725,d.aWc&psig=AFQjCNH3jiRrmHzkaDUS8Z30_Xrb-lidbQ&ust=1394319835941725

3. You're Taylor Swift.

Enough said.,d.aWc&psig=AFQjCNH3jiRrmHzkaDUS8Z30_Xrb-lidbQ&ust=1394319835941725

However, if you are in doubt of whether or not you fit into one of these categories, chances are, you look like this:
This outfit literally screams "Help!"
So, here are the three reasons not to wear high waisted shorts:
1. Your butt cheeks will be exposed... and it's not cute.
*See example above*
2. The "high-waisted-wedgie"
Please.... don't fall victim to this tragedy.
3. There is some fat that is better left covered.
The results were too *shudders* untasteful to portray.
All that I can say is, please, for the love of all things wonderful, DO NOT google "shorts fails."
Anyways, that's all for today! Have a lovely spring and may you make your fashion choices wisely!
Live long and prosper fashionably and may the fashion force be with you!